The body of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) councilor Jaswant Rai Kala’s brother has been found in suspicious circumstances from a kiosk near the railway gate. The deceased has been identified as Gurnam Lal son of Prakash Chand, resident of Mohalla Adarsh Nagar Pippalanwala, whose age is said to be around 52 years. The police has taken the body into custody and kept it in the mortuary of the Civil Hospital for post-mortem.
Giving information, Jaswant Rai Kala, brother of the deceased Gurnam Lal Gama, said that his brother used to run a tea and roti kiosk near Singdiwal railway gate and used to stay in the kiosk at night to guard his belongings. He said that this morning he got information that his brother had died and when he reached the spot, the brother’s body was lying under the bed. Money was also missing from his Activa and purse. After this incident, sensation spread in the area.
The family is suspecting murder. On the other hand, police officer Gurdeep Singh says that the police has started investigating the case and something can be said about the murder only after the post-mortem report comes.